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Monday, February 3, 2014

It's a Dog's Life [Letter from Bella]

Hi friends!
Bella here, stepping in for Hima because she’s
1.     under a pile of annotations (15 pages, size 8 font) due tomorrow
2.     too lazy to get together her February goals post

I’d like to assume you’ve met me before, mostly because Hima is a little bit obsessed with how cute I am, but here’s the formal spiel. My name is Bellatrix, and I was rescued from the shelter 2 years ago. I didn’t like people very much before, but I have a lot of friends now! Hima just said something about my typical day- I’m not really sure what she meant, but I really liked the title I came up with, so I’ll just go with that. 

I wake up around 6:30 each morning, around the same time as Hima and our brother Yash do. The first thing I do is run into everybody’s room and say good morning. After getting all the belly rubs I can get, I begin my morning rounds through the house, making sure that nothing was taken during the night. Sometimes, if I see a leaf moving through the window, I bark my head off, because clearly this leaf poses a huge threat to my family. You never know, it could be hiding a scary robber or something!
I assume my position on the top of the couch to watch the kids eat (I can get some of their food if I’m lucky!!) and just keep a general lookout. You know, in case there are more robbers. Or one of the kids is eating peanut butter. I’m all over that!

After Hima and Yash leave for school, I kinda laze around for a while, until someone takes me for a walk. I love laying on the carpet in the sun- it’s just so warm and comfy and makes me so sleepy! Walks- I love them. Of course, I do my doggy duty and stop to smell every single blade of grass and mailbox and flower and rock and crack in the sidewalk- just keeping up with what’s important.

Sometimes, I get to go pick up Yash and Hima from school, which is always fun. I love seeing Hima’s friends. I’m not always sure that they’re her friends though, so I bark at all of them. Better safe than sorry right? Oh, and I always have to sit in the front seat of the car. I don’t care if there’s anyone already sitting there- I just sit on them.

When we get home, we all have a snack. I have whatever the kids are having…well, whatever they give me really. Yash is pretty good about resisting, but all I have to do is look at Hima and she practically puts the plate in front of me. I love it!

This is what I do when I want food. It never fails. 
I really like when Hima takes homework breaks and plays with me. She’s really good at throwing the tennis ball around the house without breaking anything, and she’s the only one who will get under the couch to grab it out when it rolls under. My passions include Tug O’ War, dancing, and doga (dog yoga). What can I say? I’m well rounded.

This continues until 10 or 11, and then we all go to sleep. Or I have to pose while Hima takes pictures of me. Which is literally all the time. I'm so done with her and Instadog or whatever it's called. Anyway, I've gotta go inspect the perimeter of the house again. I'll see you next time Hima is too lame to function! busy. 

Stay classy, Bella. 

P.S. So today (2/4) is National Cancer Awareness Day, and Chevrolet is partnering with the American Cancer Society to raise money for cancer research. For each person who changes their Facebook/Twitter profile to purple (just follow the link), Chevrolet is donating $1. I definitely purpled it up, and I'd encourage you to do the same! :)