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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me

Hey y'all! Before I descend into my cave [read: my room] to cram study for tomorrow's AP Bio test, I thought I'd take a few minutes to write about some of my weird quirks, other than listening to music and microwave cooking my little heart out. Everyone has little things that they don't post on the blog- things that people would only know about them if they knew them in real life. So, what do you probably not know about me? 

I love apples and peanut butter. It's my favorite snack. Ever. 


I've never been a superstitious person. Friday the 13th is just another day. In the last two weeks, I've become ridiculously protective of my bracelet. I wear it everywhere, and only take it off to shower. 
I've had 8 tests this week (srsly not even kidding), and I've worn this during every test. I'm REALLY hoping I did well! 

Sorry for the Snapchat picture. Sidenote: I love Snapchat- it's so fun! Add me- I'm himahearts. 

I either dress really cute or like a hobo. These are usually closely tied to how I'm feeling about my hair on a given day. Exhibit A above, and Exhibit B below. 


I have the cheesiest sense of humor. Ever. 
Here's my latest joke- no harm intended in anyway: 
How do Yiddish people insult one another? 
"Oh my god, you're such a yidiot!"
What are your cheesiest jokes? tell me in the comments below!

This one had me laughing out loud. 

Okay, ya'll. Time to go learn about my chromosomes. Wish me good luck! And, tell me something I probably don't know about you!

xo, Hima


  1. Love this! Apples + Peanut Butter is amazing!!

  2. Recently discovered this scrumptious snack of apples and PB. Love it! Also, you probably don't know that I have to eat EVERYTHING in even bites. If you try to give me one M&M, I will refuse it until you offer a second one. LOL

    Oh yeah, and here goes:

    A mushroom walks into a bar. The bartender says, "We don't serve your kind here." The mushroom says "Why not? I'm a fun guy!"

    Haha! Get it? Fun guy...fungi! Oh it kills me. Best. Joke. Ever.

  3. I totally second the dressing one way or the other! I have NO middle ground! =)

  4. I actually don't like peanut butter at all. But apples with caramel? I'm all over that!

  5. Peanut butter + apple = for life! Hah , you've embarrassed my dream of being an investigator for the rest of my life . On the bright side , I've just learned the easy way to spell "I-N-V-E-S-T-I-G-A-T-O-R"

  6. Kick some royal behind on those exams!!

  7. Girl hat Alligator one made me laugh too!!! I understand the superstitious bracelet -it really does work LOL

  8. I love apples but not so much peanut butter. I sometimes eat it together. You make me want to eat it with that cute little heart cut out. And the alligator joke is funny! Didn't see that one coming.

  9. I am soooo going to try the apple and peanut butter. Love the heart cut out!

    Anna Czarina

  10. So yummy right? I also really like celery and hummus!

  11. You know that my bank of go-to lame jokes is endless!

  12. HAHA, that's so funny! When I eat a salad, I have to eat every component individually. All the tomatoes, the leaves, etc :) I LOVE that joke!

  13. yup haha it's either look like you haven't slept in days or like you should be in a magazine!

  14. Almond butter? Cashew butter? Any nut butter? Have you tried flavored peanut butter? SO GOOD!

  15. So yummy! My mom tells me I spend too much time making my food look pretty, but I don't care.

  16. Thank you Dawn! I saw this comment right before my two tests and I think I did well! :)

  17. I'm sorry to say most of my other jokes are groan-worthy (not for me HAHA). It definitely does. Never losing this!

  18. I always get really bored of apples/oranges in the winter, so I love using peanut butter to spice things up! :)

  19. Ok so we're pretty much the same person. Apples + PB is one of my favorite snacks too, and YES SO MUCH AGREEMENT with the cute vs. hobo depending on HAIR! I've never met anyone else like that!

  20. LOL @ your joke and the Fungi joke below. I always hear funny jokes and think "I have to remember this for the next time someone asks me to tell a joke." And you know what? I never do! So sadly I have nothing to offer in that department, but thanks for sharing your jokes and fun facts, and thanks for linking up with Manic Monday! -Gina
    On the Daily Express

  21. I tend toward the hobo nice ways of dressing too! Sometimes I just get so tired of looking good I can't do it anymore! Love that gator btw.

  22. Remember homeless chic? Looking good is hard- we deserve our off days!

  23. I think we've agreed on this before- same brain! My hair sets the tone for my whole day.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! You probably just made my day :) I do my best to reply to every single one, even if it takes a little while. Make sure you're not a no-reply blogger so we don't get deprived of a wonderful conversation!
xo, Hima